Every time you upload data on a web hosting server, it requires a certain amount of storage space on the hard drive dependent on its particular size. When you have a script-driven internet site which saves its information in a database, it will need more disk space, the more people make use of it. To give an example, if you have a discussion board, the greater number of comments people share, the bigger the database will be. E-mails, especially ones using attachments, also take some disk space in the website hosting account. The disk space quota you get with your hosting supplier is the total amount of info you can have at any given moment, which incorporates web site files, e-mails plus databases. Likewise, a computer has a hard disk drive and the computer programs installed on it together with all the docs and / or music files that you create or download require disk space, which can't surpass the full capacity of your hard disk drive.
Disk Space in Hosting
Using our hosting plans, you'll never be worried about disk space. While most suppliers generate accounts using a single server and sooner or later all the server hdd storage is being used, we have implemented a cloud web hosting platform where the files, e-mails and the databases are taken care of by separate groups of servers. As a result, each machine functions better as just one kind of processes is working on it, plus the hard disk space is unlimited as we will always attach additional servers or hard disks to the cluster, depending on whether we need more processing power or extra storage space. You will not ever come across a position when you are unable to upload more files because there's no free hard disk space on the server, that is something you may come across with other providers. If you use our hosting services, you can be sure that limited space will not be an issue for the growth of your web sites.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you acquire a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you don't have to concern yourself with the storage space that you can use because of the simple reason that the characteristic is limitless. By contrast to a number of other website hosting companies that advertise the same service, but set up accounts on just a single machine where only so much hdds can be fitted, we take advantage of a revolutionary cloud system which uses groups of servers. Your files will be stored on a single cluster, the e-mail messages on a different one, the databases on a third one etcetera. This kind of platform offers two important advantages - first, the disk space will never finish because we're able to install additional servers to every cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will run much more effectively for they'll handle only one kind of processes. A semi-dedicated server plan provides you the opportunity to expand your websites as much as you need.
Disk Space in VPS Hosting
All our Linux VPS hosting provide a great amount of hdd storage so as to fulfill your requirements but not restrict the development of your sites. Certainly, if you would like to run just a single resource-hungry website or a lot of smaller-sized websites, you will need more power altogether, so the higher the VPS package, the more hard disk storage you'll have. Shifting between the different packages is a piece of cake and the extra storage space will be included in your existing account without transferring any data or stopping/restarting the server, so in case you reach the storage restriction of your current plan, you are able to upgrade with a few clicks in your billing section. Since we offer several website hosting Control Panels with our virtual private servers, you're given two options for your disk space control - with Hepsia, all websites share the entire server storage space, while using DirectAdmin and cPanel you will be able to make distinct accounts for your domain names and set up an allocation for every account.
Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting
The lowest disk space available using our dedicated servers is 500 gigabytes. You'll have 2 HDDs, 250 gigabytes each, and it will be up to you exactly how you will allocate this storage space. You may have the hard disks in RAID, so your information is always safe as one of the drives will function as a real-time mirror of the other, or maybe you can have them operate independently, so as to use the total storage volume that will be available. The storage space of our dedicated web hosting is enough for everything - major Internet shops, data depository portal, personal archive backup, and many other things. We'll never restrain your web sites with regard to the space they need. Once that they start expanding, we supply you with the option to add extra drives to your present server when needed. When you obtain the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel, you'll also be able to make an independent account for every single hosted domain and set a certain hard disk storage allowance for it. When you use Hepsia all of the domain names will be hosted in a single and they will share the total server storage space.