An error log is a listing of the error messages and warnings that displayed for one reason or another while your visitors were browsing your Internet site. Such a log contains raw information on the way the web server has handled requests in various situations. An error message might appear if, for instance, a link leads to a website or a file that isn't on the server, if the code on a particular page cannot be processed, if anyone is trying to access the Internet site or its back office using an IP address that is blocked by an .htaccess rule and so on. The information within the error log offers the IP of the website visitor, what error message displayed and the root cause for the web server to display it, the full path to the file that triggered the error and the exact time of the event. Having this information will help you learn if any part of your site has an issue, which you could then clear up. Consequently, your site visitors will have a better experience and you'll optimize the website for best performance.
Error Log Viewer in Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, included with our hosting accounts, will make it quite simple to generate and look at an error log for any Internet site that you have inside your account. After you log in, you need to go to the Access/Error Logs section and click on the On/Off button for the website that you need to keep tabs on. The button is available for every single domain you have hosted and each subdomain which you have set up, so you can get an in depth log for every single one of them independently, so that you can be able to check the sites for problems a lot easier. A second click on the same exact button shall disable the function, but you'll still be able to get the log by clicking on the Download link, that is available inside the exact same section. If required, you can use software on your computer system to process the raw web server info for statistical purposes.
Error Log Viewer in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The error log generation is a function that can be switched on with a click with any of the semi-dedicated server plans that we provide. You can do this via the Access/Error Logs section of the custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which we will supply you with to manage your account. Once you navigate there, you will see each and every domain and subdomain that you have hosted/created in the account listed in alphabetical order. Enabling the error logs may be performed individually for each and every one of them by clicking on the On button, that's situated on the right-hand side. By simply clicking on the Off button, you'll disable the log generation if, for example, you have sorted out the problems on the website or you have moved it someplace else. You could also download every one of the logs with no more than a mouse click and if you have the required software on your computer, you can process them and get easy-to-read graphs and charts which will enable you to spot the most common issues on the site.