An .htaccess file is a text file that includes directives that tell a web server how to operate in specific events. It needs to be placed into the folder in which these directives should be performed. Loads of script-driven apps use this sort of a file to perform properly - WordPress and Joomla, for example. You can use this kind of a file with custom made content too and do a lot of things - block an IP address, an entire network or specific sites from accessing your site, set tailor-made error pages which shall be displayed instead of the server-generated ones if a visitor encounters some error on the site, redirect a domain or a subdomain to a different web address, set up a password-protected area and more. With an .htaccess file, you'll have much better control over your web presence.
.htaccess Generator in Hosting
We have a time and effort saving .htaccess generator tool which will allow you to set up and use such files with no difficulty even if you do not have previous experience and you do not know the syntax of the specific directives for this sort of a file. The tool is part of the Hepsia CP, offered with our hosting services and any option inside it may be enabled by picking acheckbox and eventually by typing a username or a URL, based on what exactly you would like to do with the .htaccess file. You can also decide where the file should be created, so you won't have to do anything by hand before or after that. Through an .htaccess file, you shall also be able to choose the PHP version which will be enabled for a specific domain, regardless if it is not the same version as the one for the whole account.
.htaccess Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you start a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you will be able to use our potent, albeit simple-to-use .htaccess generator tool, that is part of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You may pick the folder where the file shall be created and after that you'll only need to select a checkbox next to each and every option which you want to use - it's as simple as that. If you would like to set up URL redirection or to set personalized error pages for each of your websites, you'll also have to type in a web address, but you won't need to type in any special code at any time, so you can easily use our tool even if you have no previous experience. Because our sophisticated hosting platform supports several different versions of PHP, you shall also be able to choose the version that any website will use, even if it is not the same as the one selected for the account as a whole.